infidelity, affairs, couples counselling, grief, affair recovery, PTSD

Infidelity Recovery


For COUPLES that:

  • choose to stay together after an emotional or physical affair
  • want to work on their relationship, forgiveness, trust, boundaries re-committing, and healing



  • have chosen to leave a relationship due to an affair 
  • their partner has left them for the person they committed infidelity with 
  • has had a relationship severed after an affair



  • wants to understand: why, prevent further acts, and seek help with dealing with the guilt and shame after committing infidelity
  • needs help to understand how to work with their partner to heal their relationship after an affair and learn how to re-establish trust

* Everyone's recovery time is unique and can vary. Above is an example of stages and time frames for recovery


Call today to book an appointment. Healing begins by talking

about it; not burying your feelings in hopes they go away or

 pretending it didn't happen. You can  heal after infidelity

Heal Together Not Apart

Learn About Yourself & Each other on a deeper level

Understand the Healing Journey & Steps Involved Neutral & Non-Judgmental

Research shows:

  • Couples that talk about what happened often and frequently concerning the infidelity have an 85% chance of staying together than couples that do not talk about it all or seldom (pretend it didn't happen or suppress feelings and try to move on).

  • 1 in 3 households that are married/common law that have lived together for 5+ years have been affected by either emotional or physical infidelity.

  • Couples who seek help together (couples counselling) benefit faster and establish trust sooner than couples who seek individual counselling separately after an affair.

Source: The Secrets To Surviving Infidelity by Scott Haltzman, M.D.

Areas explored within affair recovery sessions can include:

  • Addressing boundaries
  • Re-establishing trust
  • Understanding the "why"
  • Dedicated time for Q&A
  • Re-commitment of the relationship
  • Establishing an affair story
  • Defining and understanding needs (physical and emotional intimacy)

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