divorce-support-seminar-supportgroup-p.e.i. n.s. n.b. n.f.l.d.
Heal, learn, and grow in a supportive environment.
Join our community of encouragement,
compassion and kindness.
Are you going through a divorce or separation?
When going through a divorce, loss of a partner or separation some individuals not only experience the loss and ending of a relationship, loneliness and change they also can experience multiple losses including but not limited to: having to leave and move from their home and community, having a change in custody of their children, loss of shared friends and activities, financial changes and loss and pressure, perhaps even a change in career. All of these losses and changes can happen simultaneously or over years all while you are at the same time grieving the ending of a relationship and chapter in your life. This can be overwhelming and daunting to navigate.
Rebuilding after a relationship loss divorce support seminar can aid you in getting to a place in your life where you feel “unstuck” and begin to feel better so you can have the tools and confidence to move forward with your life. During the 8-week seminar participants heal together. The seminar format allows participants to form lasting social connections picking you up from the isolation that you may be experiencing due to loss. During the 8-week seminar, it's not unusual to make some very strong friendships with your classmates. Many participants state it’s a very special bond that forms during the healing and supportive process of the group.
"Enroll in this seminar to make an investment in your future - your mental well-being, your
happiness. Start healing and growing today!"
Get the knowledge, attention, tools you need. Our lead facilitator in each group is a counsellor with certifications in grief support and divorce recovery as well has experienced a break-up/divorce and has over 10 years of group facilitation experience. Along with our professional seminar facilitators, you will get support from others who are going through relationship loss like you!
This is an Evidence-Based Seminar. This program has been clinically proven to help graduates.
*Research conducted by Dr. Bruce Fisher.
"If you are going through a painful breakup or divorce, you may feel like the life you once knew is crashing down around you. You need help to gather the pieces and “rebuild” yourself from the ground up Now the most widely-used approach to divorce recovery, the “rebuilding” model makes the process healthier and less traumatic for those who are divorcing or divorced—and their children. Over two decades of research and practice are combined with feedback from hundreds of thousands of men and women who have used the book on their own, or in one of thousands of Fisher divorce recovery seminars worldwide."
--Exert taken from summary of Dr. Bruce Fisher's Book
“I can’t imagine going through a divorce without having taken Rebuilders. It has been an invaluable resource for me. You become very close to people with whom you share such personal stories, and the ongoing support and care of this group of people is of immeasurable value to me. Worth every penny! In addition to the group support, the content of the class is helpful as well. It helps you deal with the emotional aspects of a divorce in a healthy way, so you can move on. ”
-Quote from Rebuilders Seminar Participant Colorado Group
For 35 years, Rebuilding Seminars has helped thousands heal and gain confidence.
Dr. Bruce Fisher, author of "Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends" performed research that guides participants through a stepped process from Denial to Freedom. During this 8-week process participants become more validated and open with their reactions and feelings and move to a truer awareness of themselves. The top building block of this 8-week process is Freedom. Freedom to build a more whole, confident self.
The 8-week process is confidential, safe, and a non-dating environment. Your inner work has the space to unfold in this caring and safe environment created by our facilitators and the researched program designed by Dr. Bruce Fisher.
Along with our facilitators; your Seminar will be supported by Volunteer graduates/participants. Our volunteers help: organize activities, support discussion groups.
In between the once-a-week session you can learn and dive deeper and work on the material provided during the seminar with our signature Tool Kit so you can take concrete action steps towards the personal transformation you have always wanted. In between seminars participants have the option to participate in volunteer lead social outings. After completing the seminar participants, based on Dr. Fisher's research, participants have experienced measurable improvement in key life areas. Participants heal grief, anger, and fear and regain personal confidence in new relationships.
The seminar offers proven success to those who are:
Participants work with like-minded people in similar situations who validate their experience while challenging them to grow. Divorce Support Seminars group setting is a great way to gain new perspectives and identify self-defeating behavior.
In print for thirty-five years, Rebuilding is the number one trusted resource on divorce recovery. Bruce Fisher’s “divorce process rebuilding blocks,” a proven-effective, nineteen-step process for putting one’s life back together after divorce. The course material are time-proven and over half a million people worldwide have already benefited from the class. This Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale has been utilized and pre and post tested in over half a million people through Dr. Bruce Fisher's seminars.
Post seminar participants scored higher in the divorce adjustment scale.
More than 87% of seminar graduates surveyed describe this as the “life-changing” experience
that prepared them for their new life as a single!
The Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale is the universally accepted measure of divorce adjustment and has been taken by almost a million people. Dr. Bruce Fisher developed the Scale in 1976 as part of his doctoral dissertation at the University of Northern Colorado. He revised and statistically improved it in 1978. Additionally, therapists, counselors, mediators, and attorneys recommend the FDAS as the results provide insightful information into the client’s strong and weak areas.
You can read more about research on the seminars and the FADS in Dr. Bruce Fisher's book as well as in this link:
For 35 years, Rebuilding Seminars has helped thousands heal and gain confidence.
Your facilitator Aimee Poole is a certified grief support counsellor and certified divorce recovery coach. Aimee is also a marriage and family therapist who currently counsels individuals on divorce and the loss of a loved one. With over 15+ years of facilitation experience, Aimee is delivering this seminar so that others can benefit from the content and group healing that comes with being with others who are going through similar losses. With compassion and understanding that comes with going through a relationship loss herself; her goal is to help others going through similar relationship losses. Grief & loss is a part of an ending of a relationship.
Aimee has also taken training on complex grief as well as the concepts of multiple losses. When going through a divorce some individuals not only experience the loss and ending of a relationship they also experience multiple losses including but not limited to: having to leave and move from their home and community, having a change in custody of their children, loss of shared friends and activities, financial changes and loss and pressure, perhaps even a change in career. All of these losses happening simultaneously while you are at the same time grieving the ending of a relationship and chapter in your life can be overwhelming and daunting to navigate.
This 8 week Evidence Based Divorce Support Seminar & Support Group can help through this challenging time.
Get the knowledge, attention, tools, support you need, from professionals who are trained in: grief/relationship loss/divorce recovery & support and comradery from others that are going through relationship loss like you!
Finances are challenging for anyone going through a relationship loss and change. Completing our Seminar can bring savings to you on many levels.
The course can help you also work more effectively and efficiently with your legal team having a clear mind which can result in potentially decreased legal costs and length of time to resolve issues between parties. Individual therapy costs on average of 18888845970$/hr with Divorce Support Seminars you receive over 20hrs of instruction time + volunteer lead and coordinated social outings.
8 week Rebuilding Seminar: 20hrs for ONLY! $18888845970+HST
You can pay in full or we accept 3 payments of $18888845970 x 3 over the course of 10 weeks.
A deposit of $18888845970 is required to hold your spot 15 days before the seminar begins.
... education, growth, support, plus the development of a community of individuals healing together which is shown to help the healing process of grief and loss
.. other rebuilders divorce support seminars are offered in major US & Canadian cities for $1000US!
Spending the money on yourself by registering for this seminar; benefits to you and your future relationships could last a lifetime!
Sign up today to attend a research-based 8-week seminar it will be the best investment you make for your future and the relationships you have in the future.
Before signing up ask yourself the following questions, if the answer is YES enroll today!
Yes, please note because we will be assigned readings from "Bruce Fisher’s “Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends” book we ask that you either pre-order the book prior to the seminar starting or take it out from the library if available copies. It is also on amazon for a cheaper digital version download.
If for any reason you cannot complete one of the 8-Week Seminars, missed sessions can be made up at no charge in the next 8-week series offered.
We ask you to provide their name on the intake form so we can ensure a safe and supportive environment for each participant. We do not let ex partners attend the same seminar rotation.
It is offered in person and online. You can attend either way. Please look at the location it is being offered to see if it is in your area. If it is not being offered in your area in person you are free to attend virtually. You an also attend a few virtually and attend a session in person.
For more information please email: info@yellowfinchcounselling.ca
Or Register NOW and start healing, growing, and rebuilding TODAY!
Seminars only run 2 x a year; 20 people maximum per seminar.
Next date: May 5th, 2024
Location: Halifax, N.S. (in person & online options)